Friday 19 October 2012

The Lion King

On Wednesday 17th October I was lucky enough to go and watch The Lion King at Bristol Hippodrome.  It was honestly the most beautiful and moving piece of theatre I have ever seen.

Everyone had always talked about this show and how amazing it was and how I needed to go and watch it because it would 'change my life'.  I, obviously, didn't believe them.  I thought that they didn't really know about the stage and musical theatre and were just thinking the whole idea of it was wonderful.  Oh how wrong I was.   Throughout the opening of the show I was in tears.  The movement of these dancers was just so beautiful and controlled, so accurate to the animals that they were portraying and the music was just so powerful.  

Basically guys, this woman stands on the edge of the stage and starts to sing 'The Circle of Life' and you cry and you have no idea why you're crying. Her voice is so emotive and pure and you just want to be able to sing like her (IN AFRICAN!!!)

There is one song in the show called 'They live in you' and it will send shivers down your spine.  It's a song sung my Mufasa (Simba's father) about how the great kings of the past are watching over you and and live inside of you.  IT'S SO GORGEOUS. The Mufasa in this production was amazing.  His voice was a rich Baritone and it just worked.  Combined with all the instruments (mostly drums) it was enough to make even the worst musical theatre haters accept the beauty of African musical genius.

An appreciation paragraph for the dancers is needed. 
These people are amazing.  The amount of control needed for these dances and pure skill was just immense.  I did not see a dancer put a single foot wrong (and trust me, I was watching)Their attention to detail was incredible - there was one woman with a leopard puppet.  Oh my literal goodness.  She cannot have been on the stage for more than 5 minutes in the whole show but by Geoffrey was she amazing.  Her shoulders were slinking back and forth like a cat whilst her head was attached to that of the puppet so when she rolled hers so did the leopard.  At one point the leopard reared up on its back legs and she just stretched back so her head was so nearly touching the floor.  GAAAH.  Why can I not do this!? I am sat at my computer applauding you, oh great dancer people.  You deserve world wide recognition.

I walked out of that theatre thinking "What the Hell am I doing with my life? Why am I not doing this and being a freaking antelope in the Lion King?"

Watch the show.  Seriously.
Oh, and keep smiling and loving that Chay.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

20 Questions

Right now I'm tired, ill and wanting something to I decided to do a 'tag post'...

Here are my 20 questions :)

1 - What is your favourite item of clothing?
Do shoes count? If they do..MY UGGS! They're freaking beautiful and I love them very much.  I would literally wear them every single day and night if I could but I think I may get a little too hot and sweaty and that would not be attractive now, would it?

2- What are your biggest obsessions?
Oreos, Percy Pigs, shoes, shopping and audiobooks.

3- Who inspires you? 
I think I'd have to go with Julie Walters.  She is the most amazing, talented woman I have ever seen and I would give all my limbs to have a quarter of her skill and comical genius. 

4- Who is your favourite designer?
I love Marc Jacobs.

5- What is your favourite song ever?
Hammer to Fall by Queen and I'm Yours by Jason Mraz.  I would actually sit and listen to those two all day long. 

6- What is yours favourite song right now?
Somebody that I used to know by Goyte.  Such an amazing song.

7- If you were a sweet, what would you be? 
A sour skittle because they're the best things ever.  I want to taste like the rainbow!

8 -  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet – what words would you use to describe your rainbow?
I don't know, I'm too ill to think of this right now.

9 - What's your favourite film?
The Notebook.

10 - Who's your favourite actor?
Julie Walters!

11 - If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
I quite enjoy being here, thank you :)

12 - What are your three favourite smells?
Garlic, Lush's "Snow Fairy" and petrol.

13 - What are your three favourite tastes?
Rare steaks, Pina Colada jelly beans and Bacon.

14 - What is your most treasured posession?
My photos.

15 - What did you always want to do/be when you grow up?
I wanted to be an actress...until I realised that I would never get any work.

16 - If you were ice-cream, what flavour would you be?
Cookie Dough.

17 - If someone made a short film of your life, who would play you?
Keira Knightely because I like to think that I'm just that beautiful...I'm not...but a girl can dream, right?

18 - What would your perfect afternoon consist of?
Shopping followed by a film in bed with a massive pizza.

19 - If you were a flower, what would you be?
One of those large Daisy looking flowers? I think they're real pretty.

20 - Tell me a random thing – a quote, a line from a song, book, movie…

"Now say you're a bird too"
"If you're a bird, I'm a bird"

Saturday 6 October 2012

Daddy Carbonara

Hey blog friends!
Today, I thought I'd tell you how to make my lunch.  It's called Daddy Carbonara because it is the meal that I can remember my Daddy making for us - his version of Carbonara!It is nothing like the Italian version, I'll warn you now, but in my opinion is it a LOT better.
WARNING - This recipe will make your pan messy and somewhat difficult to clean!! But it's so worth it!
So, first, you're gonna need to boil some water and pop it in a saucepan with some spaghetti.
 If you want to go all Nigella, add some salt to the water (it doesn't really make a difference, but I do it anyway)
Once the spaghetti is cooked, grate some cheese and pop it in a warm frying pan (be sure to put oil in the pan first or you'll just get a sticky burnt mess)
 Once it's melted a little pour in your spaghetti and stir until it's all stuck together and the cheese has coated the spaghetti.
 Crack an egg into your frying pan a wait a few seconds for the whites to start actually becoming white.  Once they do, rather violently mix the egg into the spaghetti until it's coating it (just like the cheese).
 Once the egg has been mixed in, it should look a little something like this....
 Pour into a bowl, add a good lot of salt - everything always tastes better when covered in salt - and enjoy :) If you want to be a little more true to the original recipe, add some bacon or ham whilst the food is in the pan.  If, like me, you have none in the house then this by itself is super yummy. 

 Now eat, clean your frying pan, keep smiling and loving that Chay. 

Friday 5 October 2012

Me? Blogging? Really?...

Hey new Blog friends!

I felt as though the time was right to start up a blog, so here I am.  If you're reading this you are entering yourself into an emporium of insanity, music, theatrical genius - not too big headed, right? - food, drink, snapshots of my life and other things that could or could not be related to Oreos.  I don't promise that I'll always make sense...well, ever make sense...but I'll try to be a bit interesting, different and maybe, if the time is right, amusing. 

So, a bit about myself now (I'm not gonna lie, it is my favourite subject)
I am, above all else, an actress/singer/dancer.  Without my weekly sessions on the stage I think I would probably tear my hair out and cook it in a cake.  Talking of cake, I like to cook.  I wouldn't say that I was any good but I enjoy it all the same.  If you stick with this "delightful" blog, you may even get to sample some of my recipes. I spend most of my money buying shoes and clothes (mainly shoes, but that doesn't matter) because a girl simply cannot have enough to wear - no matter what your mother says, storing clothes on the floor is a sensible and intelligent method of dealing with wardrobe overfill, just saying.  I am gifted with a very talented and beautiful group of family and friends; My lovely bass for a brother who is infinitely more talented than I will ever hope to be, some gorgeous cousins who are amazing singers, dancers and actresses and deserve a medal for being fabulous especially Jen with her PP plates and Grace for being the best and most caring person I have ever met.   My lovely, wonderful, amazeballs Mummy who is the best person on the planet and is also my favourite person on the planet.  
I think that's enough for today! I shall speak to you soon, sister friends. 
Keep smiling and lovin' that Chay.