Wednesday 10 October 2012

20 Questions

Right now I'm tired, ill and wanting something to I decided to do a 'tag post'...

Here are my 20 questions :)

1 - What is your favourite item of clothing?
Do shoes count? If they do..MY UGGS! They're freaking beautiful and I love them very much.  I would literally wear them every single day and night if I could but I think I may get a little too hot and sweaty and that would not be attractive now, would it?

2- What are your biggest obsessions?
Oreos, Percy Pigs, shoes, shopping and audiobooks.

3- Who inspires you? 
I think I'd have to go with Julie Walters.  She is the most amazing, talented woman I have ever seen and I would give all my limbs to have a quarter of her skill and comical genius. 

4- Who is your favourite designer?
I love Marc Jacobs.

5- What is your favourite song ever?
Hammer to Fall by Queen and I'm Yours by Jason Mraz.  I would actually sit and listen to those two all day long. 

6- What is yours favourite song right now?
Somebody that I used to know by Goyte.  Such an amazing song.

7- If you were a sweet, what would you be? 
A sour skittle because they're the best things ever.  I want to taste like the rainbow!

8 -  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet – what words would you use to describe your rainbow?
I don't know, I'm too ill to think of this right now.

9 - What's your favourite film?
The Notebook.

10 - Who's your favourite actor?
Julie Walters!

11 - If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
I quite enjoy being here, thank you :)

12 - What are your three favourite smells?
Garlic, Lush's "Snow Fairy" and petrol.

13 - What are your three favourite tastes?
Rare steaks, Pina Colada jelly beans and Bacon.

14 - What is your most treasured posession?
My photos.

15 - What did you always want to do/be when you grow up?
I wanted to be an actress...until I realised that I would never get any work.

16 - If you were ice-cream, what flavour would you be?
Cookie Dough.

17 - If someone made a short film of your life, who would play you?
Keira Knightely because I like to think that I'm just that beautiful...I'm not...but a girl can dream, right?

18 - What would your perfect afternoon consist of?
Shopping followed by a film in bed with a massive pizza.

19 - If you were a flower, what would you be?
One of those large Daisy looking flowers? I think they're real pretty.

20 - Tell me a random thing – a quote, a line from a song, book, movie…

"Now say you're a bird too"
"If you're a bird, I'm a bird"

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